Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Unogwaja say what?


Four guys got together and decided to test themselves physically and mentally, all in the name of charity. Macky, WP, Paul and Lourens set off from cape town six days ago on a cycle race called Unogwaja (The Hare) and it's been one hell of a journey so far, to say the least. Check out the link below for the full story


There is so much coverage on this event that I wont bore you with my sixth grade English. Just check out the vids followed by the links to keep up with the adventure

If you weren't too lazy to watch all of those, you will know that this is a no laughing matter. These guys are making history in a big way

Red Sock Friday

Email Unogwaja for any queries,  or for just spreading positive energy and gees


Sunday, May 15, 2011

Quadriplegia is contagious and hereditary

Don't look at me with your eyes. You WILL go numb, get chlamydia, and die

Do I remember this photo? No! But it did happen. 

We decided to go to Vadies on Halloween last year. I decided not to dress up as I'm already in a wheelchair, and that would have to do. As i went into the door a fairy spotted me (a girl dressed as a fairy of course). She took one look and burst out laughing. I immediately knew she thought I "dressed up" as a disabled person. I wanted to laugh so badly, but managed to keep a straight face. I looked her straight in the eyes and said "what!?". I've never seen a fairy turn into a ghost, yet I found out it's possible. I strolled past her with a huge grin, and once she was out of sight I burst out laughing. What kind of a sicko would "dress up" as a cripple guy for Halloween? 

Me at Vadies with the hockey crew

If you look closely at my jersey, you will see I spilled beer on it. Usually once I've had a few beers I get incredibly clumsy. Seeing as my hands don't work, I usually go home with more beer on me than in me. People can handle me spilling a few beers. On the other hand, when I fall over people absolutely freak out. I've fallen over backwards plenty times in clubs, pubs and braai's. My friends usually stand and laugh at me while randoms gasp and run around shouting. Once I'm up and about again, I have to reassure everyone I'm fine as always. 


Remember. If you see a disabled guy, don't kick him. He will put a 7 year curse on you with purely his mind

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

I have quad fever

If you are a wheelchair user, you would probably have the same comments and questions all the time. I actually don't mind them, they make me giggle and it's a great setup for me to crack a joke. The most common comment is (a random walks up to me while I'm trying to get drunk in peace) "I'm really glad to see you out. You really inspire me". Now correct me if I'm wrong, but are they suggesting that disabled people can't/don't go out for a good time? I usually reply by saying "Thank you, I didn't feel like staying at home and feeling sorry for myself, like I do every other night" in a smirky kinda voice, followed by a laugh. 

I'm quite the skinny mofo, but cmon.... When I keep hearing, "do you go for physical therapy?" I want to go crazy!!!! Now before my accident I was a lazy shit, who would rather vegetate than search for a remote control. Nothings changed people..... I'm STILL lazy. 

The most common question of all, "What happened?" I absolutely love this question. On a first impression, I can come up with any answer my sick imagination allows, and look like a real bad ass while doing it. "I was walking in a dark ally when 211 men attacked me. I fought off 210 of them (blind folded) and the last one ran away. unfortunately for me I then slipped on a puddle of blood, falling and breaking my neck. Ok! I don't quite go that overboard, but I have used "I was attacked by a shark". "I was muffing a giraffe and it kicked me" and my favorite "I was skydiving and the shute didn't open". You will be very surprised at how many people believe the last one. Cripple people don't lie/joke after all ;)

Look at this number on Melissa. MMMHHMMMM

Why am I posting pics of myself when it has nothing to do with the post? well.... My goal through my blog is to show people with disabilities that life carries on. I may talk a lot of shit, but in the end if I can get one disabled person to go out who usually doesn't. Then I've done my job. 

Balls to the wall

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

What does being a quadriplegic involve?

You won't believe the perks I get by being a quad. A few points on the  good life

I recently went to a mates 23rd dress up party. Theme: This is how I woke up after a night in Vegas. It was quite funny that I rocked up in a wheelchair (had no choice really) seeing as Vegas could very well be the reason for me being in a chair.

My best mate dressed in a nappy with graffiti all over him. Me pretty much passed out already

So what are these perks I'm talking about?


It seems like for some reason, whenever I go to a club, pub or braai I get free drinks (buffalo). People probably think that when you are in a chair you have no money. They feel obligated to buy me a drink (buffalo) as soon as I don't have my hands occupied with one. Shit, I'm not complaining, in fact I milk it for all that I can. Will I go to hell?..... Probably! But at least I'll know I'm going with a few extra bucks in my pocket

I had no choice but to down the rest of this beer

Stripper privileges

You might not believe this, but I get stripper perks as well. Mavericks has always been our strip club of choice. On big occasions, or on payday, we will go for the night to get drunk and get private dances. Unfortunately the private rooms are up stairs, which means my buddy has to carry me about 20 metres to the room, but I don't give a shit. What are the perks you ask? well I don't want to go into detail, but I do get "special" prices. Not to mention all the girls who converge like fish to a lure. Mainly they just wanna ask questions like, "Can you get it up?" or "Have you had sex?"

I must admit, this above piece does sound boastful. Don't let your imagination run wild, it's not like a huge night with sex, drugs and alcohol

Meeting girls

a lot of people think being in a wheelchair is a lonely life where people stare and mock. The opposite tends to be true. Take this girl on my lap as an example. I was at the same party when I spotted this scorcher at the bar. She gave me one look and I called her over,  gave her a tube of lipstick and told her to mark my face with it. She just laughed and put it on, followed by a kiss on the cheek.... What a great first impression. She then  proceeded to sit on my lap where we had a great conversation. I found out her name the next morning when a mate said "Do you remember telling that girl you wanna hook up with her while throwing up outside?" of course I didn't remember, but I had a good laugh anyway. 

Girls are intrigued by guys in wheelchairs, and don't let anyone tell you different

Most importantly

When I do go out for a rat-faced night
  • I don't need to drive (in a car anyway)
  • No stumbling over my feet
  • Someone else always goes to the bar for me
  • Dancing involves someone pushing me on the dance floor

Watch this space for episode two!!!!

The what if.... In life

What if I decided to put "balls to the wall" and do that one thing I've always wanted to do.....

Put Foot across AFRICA

An epic African adventure involving...well...AWESOMENESS

Everyone, (including you) have wanted to go on a road trip. You were probably sitting with a bunch of mates knocking back a couple of  dops when it struck you. "Hey guys! we should def like take a road trip and stuff. Just pack a tent and an ice cold case of beer and go....and stuff. It will be EPIC!" Everyone around you would go into deep thought in their tipsy state, and agree. The next few hours was probably be an intense discussion on how awesome it would be. However, on the reality side of life it would never happen. Perhaps because you had Girlfriend problems, or your pet pig contracted testicular cancer. Whatever the reason was, there is no longer an excuse. 

Put Foot Rally has set up a road trip for the adventure seeker in you. Driving your car across Africa, looking for the parties you've always dreamed of . A summary can be made in one word- EPIC. 

Red Sock Friday and Put Foot have a neat little partnership going. Taking two of the most awesome events and making the most vibey family on earth to date. 

Monday, May 9, 2011


 I think we are all looking for that one thing that makes us stand out.

I met an incredibly vibey person when I was 16. Little did I know he would change thousands of lives by inspiring people to purely live life. Redsock Friday is more than just a hobby for me, it's a way of life. The same life that through me a curve ball four years ago. I never thought one word could make me feel more alive than the word shoOops. I spent a lot of time thinking how a mere 7 letters could influence me, and I came to the conclusion that it's not the word influencing me. What it is however, is the memory that comes along with it. The memory is as vivid as a billboard with two midgets making out. John arrived at my work last year on a Friday wearing South African colors and bright red knee high socks. That's when I first heard the word and experienced the memory. It was an epiphany when MackNsocks (his nickname) said it in his bright and cheerful way. He reminded me of a five year old kid who just got his first bike. I had no clue what ShoOops meant, but I didn't really care because it was fucking awesome

MackNsocks is truly a hero...... A don't-give-a-fuck type of person who doesn't just live life, but owns it. Thanks Bru